• Pdf English Speaking Exercises

    Pdf English Speaking Exercises

    Search the website for a basic English lesson PDF book or exercise. A quick way to find a baisc English lesson is to type in the search box what you are looking for. A list of lessons will appear related to what you typed in the search box. Choose a category you would like to start learning the English language. Secondary B1-B2 Photocopiable material. Extra Speaking Tasks. Extra Vocabulary Tasks. Download Journeys_B1-TRP-students.pdf.

    You shouldn't give short unresponsive answers to questions. Examiner: Do you think it's better to study in a library or at home? Candidate: At home. Candidate: At home.

    You are more comfortable there, although there are also more distractions. You should avoid short yes/no answers to closed questions. Examiner: Do you find English a hard language?

    Speaking activities

    Silk yogurt alternative coupons. Candidate: Yes. Candidate: Yes, the grammar is very different from my language and that can be difficult for me. Researching / Holiday accommodation / Lottery win. Sunday morning / Free time / Local tourism.

    Ask for clarification if there's something you haven't understood clearly. Five seconds doing this is better than two minutes lost through an answer to the wrong question. Learn to navigate your way around a photograph very ably - over here, down there, above the., to the right of., in the top right corner, etc. You should learn to talk for 30 seconds, talk for a minute, etc and have a clear idea what that feels like. Parades / Parenting / Losing weight. Buying fresh fruit / Spare time activities / Traffic problems. You should use the time when you are not talking to THINK.

    You need to listen to what the other candidate is saying, as you may be asked to comment on it, but you can also organise your own thoughts. This is not the time to stare at the wall or think about what you'll have for dinner! You should try, if possible, to get some practice speaking with the partner you'll sit the exam with.

    This is not always possible, but a benefit if the opportunity exists. You should make some effort to make the collaborative task sound 'natural', not an exchange of memorised snippets of language. This should include: agreement, disagreement, explanation, clarification, questions, etc.

    . Successful English language speaking exercises are perhaps the most interesting and enjoyable part of teaching ESL. Interacting and engaging with students and getting students to interact with each other is possibly the most rewarding and fulfilling part of a language teacher’s job. However, this requires lots of different kinds of speaking activities. Some activities only work well once with a class and many activities can only be used to teach a specific aspect of grammar, language function or speaking topic.

    It’s great to have a huge library of activities that can be accessed quickly and easily to solve potential difficult teaching situation. Some of my favorite speaking activities are included on this page.

    Pdf English Speaking Exercises